Hello, I'm Erika Gilbert, paranormal romance author, mild-mannered library assistant with a psychology degree, accidental poet and most importantly mother to a very intelligent, beautiful boy who is a joy to both parents.
I started writing seriously after the birth of my son over five years' ago. Well, after the why-won't-he-stop-crying-and-just-sleep? stage - which lasted eight months.
I was born in Kent, England but I don't remember much because by the age of two I was on my way to Australia. I stayed there just long enough to cuddle some koalas, meet a snake in the bathtub, and find a family of red backs under a log. Then, when I was four I came to New Zealand. I bunny-hopped to a few cities (there's more than a drop of gypsy blood in my family) before coming to a stop in Nelson for the furthering of my education at a prestigious girl's school. Courtney Love attended the same school, apparently. so I can't quite follow my parents logic.
My father, Tom Millard, died before he was able to realize his dream of being published. I hope he's proud.
If you like vampires, skin-walkers, witches and a touch of druid magic then check out my book here: http://www.nobleromance.com/ItemDisplay.aspx?i=53
I hope you enjoy it.
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