Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I haven't been here in a while, have I? Oops. I've got a few stories in the pipe line. 3 WIPs no less. Demon Blade is an adult paranormal about a fiesty chick with a sword that has a mind of its own. Summoning Darkness is a young adult novel involving a Greek goddess, some demons and angels and the worst kind of baddie - a teen girl who wants to be popular and will do anything to get there - including kill anyone who gets in her way. My third WIP is a complete adult novel that I'm changing into a Young Adult book. Oh yes, and the editor I subbed a sci-fi short to suggested I turn it into a full length novel, but that's on the back burner.


  1. good luck on your WIPs, those sound great. I had an adult I tried changing to a YA. It went okay, but I don't think there's a market for mine :)

  2. Good luck with yours too, Rebecca. I'm new to Young Adult but I'm enjoying it :)
