Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Contracts

Well, I have some good news. MuseItUp Publishing have offered me a contract for Summoning Darkness. This is a dramatic urban fantasy story featuring gypsy magic, werewolves, a greek goddess, a mad scientist and much more. It's scheduled for release August 2011. That's about the time my first novel, Blood Talisman goes to print!

Also, my horror flash, Kiss the Bride, was accepted by Pill Hill Press for inclusion in one of their horror anthos. I'm using my maiden name, Erika Millard, for this because it's horror and very different from my previously pubbed writing. I plan to write more horror and hope (cross fingers tight) to get some published one day! My dad loved horror and sci fi, so I think it would be fitting to use his sirname.

What else? Haven't heard back about Rise Above, the horror short I subbed to the Zombie Feed, an imprint of Apex. They state that anyone who hasn't recieved a rejection is being held for a final round of judging. So, I'm in 'zombie holding'. I would love to be accepted, but don't dare to hope. I can imagine there are hundreds of submissions by established zombie authors. Still, no news is good news :)


  1. Oh Erika! I didn't realise you had a blog. You should write in it much more often. I've just put you up on my blogroll and am following you! Though I don't use blogger, it's always nice to have followers.

    Congratulations on all your good news! I need to pull finger and finish something and see whether or not I can get it published. I'm a little nervous of doing that though, which holds me back. xo

  2. Hi, Kelly! I'm terribly shy, as you know :) I'm a terrible blogger! I'm glad you're blogging again - you are so funny!

  3. That's great, Erika! Congratulations! I'm glad my Scare class helped with Pill Hill.

  4. Congrats Erika!! I don't read horror (i'm a wimp) LOL, but so neat for you! But LOVE Fantasy romance!
